You can find more information about the City of Toronto’s Basement Flooding Protection Subsidy Program here: City of Toronto Basement Subsidy Program
With the significant increase of residents in the City of Toronto over the years, the infrastructure is beginning to fail in some areas. The unbelievable amounts of precipitation over the past couple years has impacted homeowners with basement flooding. The cities drainage systems underground for both the sanitary and storm sewers that tie into one another have began to exceed their capacities. So the City of Toronto is providing a Basement Flooding Protection Subsidy Program where the city of Toronto will pay up to 80% for a new sump pump and installation maximum $1,750 that will provide a independent drainage for your waterproofing system.
The first and most important concern is what type of foundation walls you have. If your foundation consists of fieldstone or concrete blocks, the cracks cannot be injected where the blocks are hollow and the fieldstones create voids. If the foundation walls are a poured concrete, then concrete injection sealing is the best way to fix a crack and it comes with a lifetime guarantee. The crack is cleaned with a natural acid. Holes are drilled to the center of the crack and a rubberized urethane is injected. The urethane expands 20 times its volume and the void is filled.
A wet basement may seem like a minor issue, but it can lead to a major problems. Leaking basements or basements that have moisture can contribute to toxic black mold or cause structural foundation damage. This can also play a major role in the value of your property. Basement waterproofing adds value to your property and can be responsible for a final sale in some cases. To learn more about waterproofing contact one of our experts today.